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Premium Nutrients to Boost Health, Longevity, and Appearance

  • Promotes a long, healthy lifespan
  • Boosts gut health & immunity
  • Enhances digestion, bowel regularity, and weight management
  • Relieves joint pain and stiffness
  • Aids muscle building & joint function
  • Enriches coat, skin, and nails
pawmade longevity product display pawmade longevity product display pawmade longevity product display

PETMADE LONGEVITY Formula combines 4 dog-specific superfood blends: Organ-Shielding Antioxidants, Intense Nourishment & Detoxification, Microbiome & Synbiotic Booster, and Longevity-Promoting Organic Mushrooms. Together, these potent superfood support a long joy-filled life for your pup.

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Longevity Formula

Give your dog the gift of a long, happy, and healthy life.




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What it does?

Veterinarian-Approved PETMADE LONGEVITY FORMULA for Dogs by PETMADE is a “Superfood Bonanza!”

This exceptional formula combines 4 strategically chosen blends:

Organ-Shielding Antioxidants
Dog-Safe Longevity-Promoting Organic Mushrooms
Intense Nourishment & Detoxification
Microbiome & Synbiotic Booster

The 23 superfoods promote healthy puppy development and endurance, fortify immune integrity, and enrich nutrient diversity. They also replenish dietary deficiencies, repair tissue damage, help protect against premature organ aging and disease, and sustain puppy-like vitality!

Serving guide

Nutritional information

Nutritional information

Nutritional information
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influencer with a bottle
influencer with a bottle
influencer with a bottle
influencer with a bottle
influencer with a bottle

Premium, All-Natural Ingredients to Boost Health and Longevity

ingredient icon Antioxidant Blend
Antioxidant Blend


This Caribbean cherry superfruit contains the richest source of vitamin C. Although dogs produce their own vitamin C, it helps reduce the stress caused by exposure to modern-day pollution, pesticides, chemicals, and disease. It also improves your dog’s skin, blood vessels, eye health, allergies, mood disorders, bowel problems, immunity, and fights harmful pathogens and free radical oxidative cell damage. And it provides vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, beta-carotene, lutein, and bioflavonoid antioxidants.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

This potent green plum is said to have grown from India’s mythological Brahma’s tears. Amla acts as an antacid soothing upset tummy and blocks gut and lung mutated cell growths. It stimulates protein production, helping repair and regenerate connective tissue for healthier skin and joints. And it improves blood sugar, allergies, muscle spasms, blood fats, gallbladder, lung, and heart functions. In addition, Amla is brimming with health-protective fiber, bioflavonoid antioxidants, and vitamin C.


These tart berries are packed with rare proanthocyanidins (PACs). PACs help block plaque and tartar buildup on teeth. It also blocks E. coli from attaching to the cell walls of the entire urinary tract and kidneys. And quercetin in Cranberry aids healthy blood flow and heart health and protects against allergies, harmful immune attacks, and swelling. Plus, high levels of potassium and manganese promote strong bones and healthy growth.

Goji (Wolfberry)

The orange-red Goji has been used in China for 2000 years for longevity and the ability to slow cellular aging. They deliver a treasure-trove of low-calorie nourishing micronutrients that improve enzyme function, bone, muscle, nerve, vision, and immune health. Goji is high in fiber, vitamins A, B, C, and E, and Selenium, rich in amino acids, carotenoids, antioxidants, and 11 essential and 22 trace minerals, plus a good source of protein, iron, and calcium.


This Brazilian purple fruit provides antioxidants and supports healthy immune functions. It improves weight management, vitality, joint and liver function, digestion, blood sugar, and blood volume and protects against premature aging. And it helps your dog feel and look his best with healthy skin and coat.


This acidic-sweet, tropical dark purple/red fruit hails from India and is highly nutritious. Mangosteen provides unique and potent xanthone antioxidants that reduce immune-induced swelling and disease, support healthy blood sugar and longevity, and block mutated cell growths. This wonder fruit also aids detoxification, DNA production, nerve signaling, muscle contraction, and tissue repair, promoting healthy skin and coat. It’s also high in fiber, improving digestion, gut health, and immunity. And it’s packed with protein, vitamins B1, B2, B9, C, manganese, copper, and magnesium.

Organic Maqui Berry

For thousands of years, the mighty Mapuche Indians of Chile remained undefeated warriors due to their stamina derived from this superfruit berry. Maqui contains the highest antioxidant levels, including anthocyanins, polyphenols, and resveratrol. These free radical neutralizers improve blood glucose hormone and blood sugar levels and block new fat cell formation. They also fight harmful bacteria, strengthen bones, improve joint health, brain functions, energy, detoxification, strength, and stamina. They also reduce the risk of mutated cell growth. When combined with probiotics, they reduce gastrointestinal problems and organ aging.


In the Old Testament, ancient Greece, and Rome, Pomegranate was revered for health and fertility. This was likely due to its potent antioxidants that shield against cell and organ oxidative damage, premature aging, and disease. In addition, it helps reduce immune attack, swelling, aches, and skin conditions and improve digestion, oral issues, bad breath, heart, ear, and joint health. Your dog also benefits from fiber, protein, vitamins B9, C, K, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, polyphenols, punicalagins, and anthocyanins.


This adaptogen used in Traditional Chinese medicine helps systems achieve harmony, increasing your dog’s resistance to disease and stress. It contains lignans that protect the liver from toxicity and supports healthy hormones. It strengthens muscles, improves coordination, and enhances energy, physical performance, endurance, and vitality. It also soothes nervous behavior and aids sleep.


Succulent Strawberries help strengthen immune functions, slow cellular aging, aid weight management, and whiten your dog’s teeth. They deliver fiber, Vitamins B1, B6, B9, C, E, K, manganese, potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, and Omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, they’re loaded with anti-aging polyphenol antioxidants, such as anthocyanin, ellagic acid, ellagitannins, and procyanidins.

ingredient icon Longevity Blend
Longevity Blend

Organic Turkey Tail Mushroom

The “King of Immunity” binds with immune receptors, helping restore healthy immune responses, reducing swelling and aches, and blocking harmful mutated cell growth. It also increases immune antibody production, protecting against harmful bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens. It’s packed with polysaccharides, soluble fiber, and beta-glucans fueling healthy intestinal microflora and fighting yeast overgrowth. And it’s jammed with potent antioxidants, flavonoids, quercetin, baicalein, 35 different phenols, and terpenoids.

Organic Reishi Mushroom

Hailed as the “Mushroom of Immortality,” used by Traditional Asian practitioners for over 2000 years to increase longevity, fortify immune health, and fight disease. Reishi enhances liver metabolism, detoxification, heart health, blood flow, nutrient and oxygen delivery, and endurance. And it reduces allergic responses, mutated cell growths, and respiratory pathogens and numbs aching nerve receptors. Plus, it supports healthy digestion and gut health and fortifies microflora balance. It also builds DNA, protein, collagen, and red blood cells. And Reishi is high in protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, D, K (may have A, C), amino acids, and beneficial phytonutrients.

Organic Shiitake Mushroom

Christened the “Elixir of Life,” Shiitake mushroom is known for its dense nutrient content and medicinal treasures, promoting vitality and youthfulness. It aids muscle contraction, nerve function, heartbeat, and enzyme metabolism, including digestion and metabolic cellular energy. Plus, it boosts healthy gut flora and fortifies immunity. In addition, Potassium, Selenium, and Vitamin D aid Magnesium and electrolyte functions. Shiitake also contains fiber, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, 10 amino acids, 30 enzymes, and is high in minerals, including Calcium, Zinc, Phosphorus, Copper, and Iron.

ingredient icon Synbiotic (Prebiotic & Probiotic) Microbiome Blend
Synbiotic (Prebiotic & Probiotic) Microbiome Blend

Saccharomyces boulardii (BREWER’S YEAST)

This probiotic works like the military’s special forces combating attacking agents. It contains PAMs (Pathogen Adherent Microflora), ideal for attracting harmful pathogens like a magnet and carrying them out of the body. And it protects the gut from runaway pathogens, improves enzyme disturbances that cause gut imbalances, and promotes gut repair. And your dog will feel better with significantly improved overall gut health, digestion, stool consistency, and reduced diarrhea. Plus, it feeds the beneficial gut microflora, enhances, and helps regulate immune integrity, reducing redness, swelling, and aches.

Bacillus coagulans

This sturdy soil-based probiotic improves microflora diversity and balance and fortifies immune functions. It reduces digestive upsets and helps realign antibiotic-induced gut imbalances, including diarrhea, bloating, and discomfort. B. coagulans produce digestive enzymes in the intestine, helping break down carbohydrates and protein and enrich nutrient absorption. It also increases specific amino acids (citrulline) in blood flow regulation. And glutamine enhances muscle, gut, and tissue recovery, fights harmful pathogens, and alleviates disease.

Apple Fiber (Pectin)

Apple pectin contains 60% soluble fiber and is also known as a prebiotic. Prebiotics act as food for probiotics. Prebiotics partnered with Probiotics are known as Synbiotics. Probiotics feed the microflora, producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) that repair the gut lining, and promote healthy flora balance, immunity, and overall gut health. Pectin and water turn into a gel in the digestive tract. This gel softens stool, improves digestion and constipation, and reduces ammonia, cholesterol, allergies, and diarrhea.

Organic Agave (Inulin)

The Mexican Agave plant’s insoluble fiber reduces hunger and helps sensitive dogs better manage the fat content in pet food. As a prebiotic, it provides essential life-sustaining fuel to probiotics. But more than that, prebiotics accelerate food fermentation and starts working in your dog’s stomach. It also increases mineral absorption by altering the pH (acid/alkaline) balance. It helps maintain healthy blood sugar by slowing digestion and improving complete food breakdown and nutrient absorption. And as it improves microflora balance and gut lining repair, reduces intestinal disorders and digestive issues, and maintains regular bowel movements. Plus, it encourages puppies to develop robust immunity and have healthier responses to vaccinations.

ingredient icon Nutrition & Detox Blend
Nutrition & Detox Blend

Astaxanthin (Haematococcus pluvialis)

This anti-aging superstar is a potent carotenoid antioxidant found in marine microalgae and responsible for making Salmon pink. It neutralizes organ-damaging free radicals, reducing the risk of premature organ aging and disease. And it reduces harmful immune markers, improves skin, joints, discomfort, recovery from exercise, and protects against UV ray damage. It passes through cell walls protecting nerves, the spinal cord, brain, and eyes and blocks harmful mutated cell growth. Plus, it supports the cellular energy factories (mitochondria) and immune system.

Organic Kelp (Laminaria spp)

This seaweed superfood is a nutrient warehouse with 21 amino acids, protein, 60 minerals, and vitamins, including A, B12, C, E, iron, and a healthy source of iodine. It reduces skin allergies, itching, dryness, irritations, swelling, and redness and stimulates tissue repair. And it also supports healthy skin, coat, nose pigment, heart rate disruptions, metabolism, body temperature, and thyroid function. Plus, it improves glandular activity and reduces dental plaque and tartar.


This Japanese freshwater green seaweed (alga) superfood is a dynamo for detoxing heavy metals, such as cadmium, mercury, lead, pollution, pesticides, herbicides, processed pet food, medications, and flea, tick, and heartworm vaccination toxins. It reduces joint pH (acidity), and improves joint issues, discomfort, and bad breath. It also enhances energy, oxygen circulation, DNA and RNA replication, eyes, vision, skin, coat, and gut health. And the potent antioxidants help neutralize organ damage and disease and slow aging. Chlorella contains 50-60% protein, all 9 essential amino acids, fiber, Vitamins A, B12, C, Omega 3 fatty acids, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, antioxidants, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein.

Fennel Seed

Fennel soothes and supports your dog’s health. It’s exceptional at reducing bad breath, indigestion, and gas. It also reduces oxidative stress on heart systems and protects against harmful mutated cell growths and neurological disease. And it supports a healthy immune system and maintains healthy bones, muscles, and blood cell formation. Fennel also contains Vitamins A, C, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, and flavonoid antioxidants.


This weed has powerful medicinal properties. It strengthens the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, urinary tract, digestive, lymphatic, and blood circulatory systems, fights harmful bacteria, and helps remove systemic waste. And Dandelions contain vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and B complex and minerals such as potassium, calcium, and iron.

Bentonite Clay

“The Mud That Heals” is comprised of aged volcanic ash found in places like Fort Benton, Wyoming. It removes heavy metals (i.e., aluminum), harmful chemicals, toxins (i.e., mold, excess phosphates), parasites, and harmful gut bacteria and fortifies immune integrity. It also helps the body remove organ toxins and wastes that accumulate with age and supports the kidneys. But it also improves skin health, constipation, bloating, gas, diarrhea, vomiting, and allergies and reduces the risk of mutated cell growths.

Our Mission

Petmade develops scientifically proven products that help your pet to achieve their pure, healthy lifestyle they deserve. We only use natural ingredients you trust and put them through our Research and Testing Process, so they become “Petmade Approved & Certified!” Here’s how it works:

formula creation
Formula Creation
courcing ingredients
Sourcing Ingredients
ingredient testing
Ingredient Testing
certified manufacturing
Certified Manufacturing

Help Your Dog Look and Feel Their Best

Give Them the All-Natural Nutrients They Crave!
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Have Questions? Great - We Have Answers!

How Does Longevity Formula Help My Dog?

The 23 superfoods in Longevity Formula promote healthy development and endurance, fortify immune integrity, and enrich nutrient diversity. They also replenish dietary deficiencies, repair tissue damage, help protect against premature organ aging and disease, and sustain puppy-like vitality!

Does Longevity Formula for Dogs Really Work?

Yes! Our Advisory Board of Veterinarians, Pet Nutrition Scientists, and Pet experts collaborate on each formulation and test it for purity and safety. Each is evidence-backed to support your dog’s health from pup to senior stages by helping:

  • Fortify microflora, gut lining repair, and immune health.
  • Fight free radical cell damage and premature organ aging.
  • Enhance digestion, nutrient absorption, bowel regularity, and weight management.
  • Enrich blood cell production, blood flow, and oxygen and nutrient delivery.
  • Support healthy blood sugar metabolism and overall energy.
  • Enhance and build connective. tissue, muscle and joint function.
  • Promote endurance and healthy, longer lifespan.

What Are the Active Ingredients in Longevity Formula for Dogs?

A label listing the guaranteed analysis of Longevity supplement

How Do I Use Longevity Formula for My Dog?

For optimal results, initially mix a small sprinkle of powder with water into your dog's food.

Over one week, gradually increase to the recommended serving based on your dog's weight. The serving can be split between morning and evening meals as preferred.


Warnings: Not for human consumption. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. In case of accidental overdose, contact a health professional immediately. Keep in a cool dry place, away from direct sunlight. Ensure the tub is resealed after use.

What Age of Dog is Longevity Formula Best for?

Longevity Formula is Veterinarian-Approved and recommended for any age and any dog breed. Upgrading your puppy's nutrient intake fortifies healthy development, immunity, and vitality!

Can My Dog Take Longevity Formula Long-term?

Absolutely! In fact, that's precisely what our pet experts recommend.

Unfortunately, many popular pet foods include the bare minimum nutrition required for dogs. Even premium dog food is often highly processed, which can destroy nutrients.

Adding Longevity Formula to your dog's meals helps ensure they get the nourishment they need for optimal health and longevity.

Are There Any Known Side Effects of Using Longevity Formula?

No, there are no known side effects. Each ingredient in the Longevity Formula is proven to be safe, natural, and effective for dogs.

It's best to start slow with the Longevity Formula, and allow your dog's system to adjust to the new nutrition. Start with ¼ (one quarter) of the amount indicated for the first 2 days and gradually increase over 1 week, allowing your dog's body to adapt.

However, discontinue use if your dog exhibits any unusual reactions or behavior. If the reaction continues for 2 days or longer, we recommend consulting your veterinarian for assistance.

How Can I Order Longevity Formula Right Now?

Longevity Formula is only available on this website. Click the button on this page, and you can get the Longevity Formula today for the price as low as $0.59 per day.

Every order comes with Free Shipping, Easy Tracking & a 365-Day "Your Dog Will Love It!" Guarantee. If they don't, you can exchange the product or get your money back!

Will I Be Able to Track My Order Once It Has Been Placed?

Of course! Once we process your order, you'll get an email with your confirmation details.

If you have any questions, please email us or call our Customer Service experts 24/7 for assistance. Toll-free at (800) 834-1716, Mon-Sun 24/7. Outside the US, call us at +1-703-359-8489. Email:

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